Hospitalization and ICU in exotic animals

Hospitalización hamster y loro en veterinaria.

At Nido Clinic we know that there will be times when due to the severity of the situation (accidents, post-surgery, advanced illnesses, etc.) your animal will need special care. We have a hospitalization area adapted for exotic animals that need more exhaustive and detailed care. Our hospitalization area adapts to the needs of each species, with intensive care, respecting their optimal temperatures, minimizing their stress and ensuring that they receive their medications and diets adapted to the patients who need it. We have trained professionals and the latest technology to meet whatever the needs of your exotic animal may be. We enable intensive care units, oxygen therapy, nebulization and fluid therapy with infusion pumps.

What happens if an animal has to remain under observation?

If your pet must remain at the Nido Clinic to receive any treatment or for veterinary advice, you must carefully read the following instructions:

1- The animals receive veterinary care, are medically controlled and receive their necessary care according to the prescription prescribed on an ongoing basis. 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

2- The nighttime emergency service under in-person supervision of a veterinarian will be recommended in more serious cases and will will be communicated, and must pay for permanent surveillance services.

3- Performing diagnostic tests or surgeries outside of normal hours will have a financial increase for emergency service.< /p>

4- Visiting hours for admitted animals will be from 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and an appointment must be made previous. We suggest short visits so as not to interrupt the treatments that the patient is requiring.

5- Telephone reports about your pet’s progress will be given in the mornings after being medicated. The veterinarian will contact you directly.

6- During the weekends, the animals receive their daytime medication as normal.

7- Suggest to our staff any special dietary, handling or accommodation characteristics that your pet requires, so we can adapt them. best possible your stay with us.

8- Prior to accepting a medicated stay at the Nido Clinic, you must have received an informative quote of all those actions that are going to be carried out.

Do not hesitate to contact our staff with any questions

Nido Clinic Services

Veterinarians specializing in exotic pets
